
How to Throw a Ghost Themed Party?

A ghost themed party can be a funny party for kids and adults. Throw a ghost party for birthday, graduation or some other milestone event is a great idea, especially if your guests and your family all love this scary scene. Now let’s talk about how to hold a ghost themed party?

First, send out invitations. You can make or buy the simple skeleton- patterned invitation. Write the basic information on it including when and where. Remember informed all of your guests of coming in a ghost costume.
Boy Child Scary Ghost Costume

Second, decorate your room with everything related to your room. Using skeleton, spider and web create a ghost setting. Before your guests arrive, make sure you set a frightfully fun scene. Use ghost-shaped plated, napkins and treats. Fun setting will help your guests get in the mood.
Third, a ghost party can be a funny game for all involved. By allowing ghosts to lead your guests to different clues left throughout your house, they get to be a part of a treasure hunt. The prize at the end is given by the clues and the hunt.

